Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Mission Now and Then

We recently attended Scrapbook USA in Sandy, Utah and had a booth partner, Diane from All Occasions Photo. As Diane and I got to know one another I found out that she had a missionary in Madagascar. We talked about missionaries and she referred to e-mails instead of letters. The Elders in our area are currently carrying around cell phones. My Mom talks about the big black binder when referring to teaching in her mission and I talk about the discussions. While we had a recent missionary tell me that he was so worthy he no longer needed discussions or binders, but could teach as he pleased. (Yea, he was a little off the base.)

The point is missions are always changing, and I thought that would make an interesting page for your scrapbook. It would also make an interesting kit (we will let you know). Compare your mission with your child's or yours with your parents. If you are a first generation missionary compare yours to an early missionary from the beginning days of the church.

The methods, tools, and technology may have changed, but the message remains the same. The gospel of Jesus Christ has been restored.