Friday, June 12, 2009

What did you say...

It has been said, that if the church was not true, missionaries would have screwed it up a long time ago. There is truth in that. While missionaries are given that calling and mantle to serve, they are still human.

I talked about the 21 day promise that is currently floating around the Salt Lake City South Mission. We have participated in the challenge and had the missionaries follow up. At our follow up they encouraged us to do it again. (Encouraged is a key word here. In my day it was all about being direct. Example "Will you do the 21 day challenge again?" instead of "We encourage you to do the challenge again." I am getting off track.)

So two missionaries stopped by the other day when I was not home. According to my husband the conversation proceeded as follows.

Elders- "How is the 21 day promise coming?"
Husband- "We have not started a new one yet."
Elders- "So you don't pray anymore?"
Husband- "I pray."
Elders- "But just not to help the missionaries."

At this point my husband said to me 'Good thing they were Elders, if I didn't have a testimony......ramble ramble."

I thought it was funny. Which leads me to a scrapbook challenge. All missionaries say things they regret. Sometimes it helps us grow, makes us humble, or teaches us a hard lesson. It is something we probably do not like to admit to, but as the years pass and we gain wisdom we eventually fess up to our mistakes. Ask your missionary about a mistake they learned from or record one of your own.