Friday, February 27, 2009

Challenges and Promises

The Elders came to our house on Monday. They just dropped by. I was sick Monday and in my sweats, the house was a mess and I asked my husband to "turn them away". He didn't and I knew he wouldn't. Because if I had answered the door I would not have been able to either. So we invited them in. They issued us a 21 day challenge. A promise has gone out in the Salt Lake City Mission that if members would pray morning and night for a specific set of people to accept the gospel, that someone will accept the gospel. We accepted the challenge. So now we are going to issue a challenge to you.
Scrapbook those promises and challenges that you or your missionary received in the field. I think all missionaries receive special challenges with promises attached. One that we frequently talked about in my mission was to be a bold and testifying missionary. We were promised if we were bold and committed people to baptism on the first contact, that people would join the church. I have to admit my faith lacked on this one, but those who had faith like Nephi (build a boat, commit someone to baptism upon meeting them) had great success.

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