Thursday, July 9, 2009

Dear President....

Once a week every missionary writes a letter to the Mission President. We tell them how things are with our work, share any concerns, and give a reporting of our efforts. Usually I have no fear about sharing the experiences I have had on my mission, but I hold back a little when it comes to Mission Presidents. To sum it up neatly I struggled with my Mission President. He and I had similar gaols and the same desires, we just disagreed on the method. I know that he was called to be a Mission President at that time. I always figured it was just for some one else's benefit.

That said, this relationship between Missionary and Mission President influences every ones mission. For the good or the bad. They are our priesthood leader, mentor, and parental figure. They set the tone of the whole mission. The tone of our mission was work.

We encourage you to share the relationship you had with your Mission President and also your Mission Mom. This months random kit is based on that theme.

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